Wireless microphone in the course of the dead hit how to do?

        Wireless microphones hit the dead end during use (that is, the signal sometimes can not be received somewhere in a field, and sometimes the hand-held microphone, the person did not move around but the body slightly shaking the signal may sometimes not) This kind of thing is indeed more headache, for the average user, but also always think that the quality of wireless microphones, in fact, there are several reasons:
First, there are real sources of interference in some venues. Nowadays, communication tools are developed and diverse. For example, mobile phones, walkie-talkies, cordless phones and the like are interfered with by each other. Moreover, there are metal equipment in the venue and the reflection of the glass This happens.
Second, there are some occasions bad reception conditions - such as the site has a column barrier, there are audio control room to leave the venue farther, a wall blocking or turning a bend, etc., will affect the normal signal reception.
How to deal with this situation? The following several empirical summary for your reference:
1, and some can try for a set of frequencies, because some sources of interference may coincide with the frequency of the set of microphones conflict, for a set of frequencies can often solve the problem. If there are columns and other receiving environment is not very good, try to buy single double (that is, a microphone, two antennas) kind, such as SHURE's EUT24 / 58, because the two antennas receive a larger range, such as people Walk around and say, when the receiver of the two yellow lights are bright, indicating that in all directions; if the left yellow light is on the left of the receiving antenna within the scope of your left speech, once you go out of the receiving range on the left, enter Right of the range, the right yellow light immediately lit, the right antenna work immediately. This will ensure that your voice is received in all directions
2, sometimes you can change the direction of the antenna, angle, etc., can improve your receiving conditions.
3, if the receiving environment is really bad, you can choose to use multi-frequency wireless microphones, such as SHUREUC, UD4 and so on. SHURE USA recently introduced two multi-frequency adjustable wireless microphones ULXS Standard Edition and ULXP Professional Edition, which is different from the previous frequency selection method, it is the first automatic scanning about the frequency of interference around to exclude it , The remaining is the available interference-free frequency, but can also use 20 sets.
4, if you encounter more stringent reception conditions, such as sound control room is not in the venue, or column, wall barrier and so on, after our test, as long as the antenna can be extended to solve the problem, emergency methods are as follows: Take a video cable, About 10 ~ 15 meters, the original receiver antenna removed (or purchase an antenna) and video cable connected, and then install the antenna in your test and can receive the signal to the place. Of course, this needs to be solved for the process. The cable should be as dark as possible. If the cable is clear, it must be neat and standardized. The antenna should be well-made to look good, which will not affect the receiving and beautiful appearance.
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